Nancy Drew now a gamer at 85

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 Nancy Dre 85th anniversary | Photo courtesy of Her Interactive

Remember Nancy Drew? Eighty-five years after her debut in 1930, the fearless 19th year-old amateur detective whose series of mystery-solving adventures captured the imagination of many young girls worldwide is now the star of an award-winning game. Produced by Her Interactive, a video game company based in Bellevue, Washington, the Nancy Drew games which is designed for girls of all ages, puts the player in the shoes of Nancy Drew as she stumbles upon complex mysteries. The games debuted in December of 1998 with “Secrets Can Kill.” Since then the games have sold more than 9 million copies. The most popular game is “Shadow at Water’s Edge,” in which Nancy seeks out what is haunting an inn in Kyoto, Japan.

Read more on the Washington Post

Read more on The Daily Beast.

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