First look at the new ‘Star Wars’ characters

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First look at the new ‘Star Wars’ characters

Right in time for Star Wars Day “May the Fourth be with you”, new details and images have been revealed about the characters played by Adam Driver and Lupita Nyong’o in the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Details about the characters have been kept on lockdown during the last Star Wars Celebration but a feature on the June issue of Vanity Fair, accompanied by photos by Annie Leibovitz, reveals a few key tidbits. First, that Adam does indeed play villain Kylo Ren, the one wielding the red lightsaber with the unique design we saw in the first teaser. Second, we also learn that Lupita will play pirate Maz Kanata, a character that’s created fully through motion capture technology.

Read more on the characters played by Driver & Nyong’o.

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