Binay says he will bring ‘competence’ to Malacañang

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Binay says he will bring ‘competence’ to Malacañang

Dismissing issues against him as “baseless attacks,” Vice-president Jejomar Binay expressed anew his resolve to be the next Philippine president and stressed that the issue in the coming elections is ‘experience and competence’. In an earlier speech to business owners, Binay stressed the need for leaders with the political will to implement growth-driving economic policies, citing his experience in Makati City, the business capital of the country, as example. The vice-president is accused of approving questionable government deals under his watch as Makati’s chief executive. There is an ongoing probe into bank accounts under his name over suspicions of money laundering in relation to corruption complaints. The Court of Appeals on May 11 issued a freeze order on the bank accounts of Binay, his relatives, and his alleged dummies.

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