‘I’m ready to continue what PNoy started’ – Roxas


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‘I’m ready to continue what PNoy started’ – Roxas

Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas II gave the public an indication of his plans in 2016 on Tuesday, May 26 when he told reporters he was “ready to face the task of continuing [what President Benigno Aquino III] started.” He added that the country is now in a good place. Roxas is being touted as the standard-bearer of the ruling Liberal Party for 2016, although he has yet to formally announce his plans to run. President Aquino said that Roxas was “top of the list” to succeed him, but added that the Liberal Party was still in the process of consolidating its 2016 plans. The President said he will announce who the standard-bearer would be after his last State of the Nation Address in July 2015. 

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