DSWD calls on netizens to stop sharing child on leash photo


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DSWD calls on netizens to stop sharing child on leash photo

The Department of Social Welfare and Development called on the public to stop reposting the photo of a boy with a leash around his neck to protect him from possible trauma in the future. “It’s not a joke,” said DSWD Director Joel Espejo echoing statements made by Secretary Dinky Soliman. The photo shows a naked boy of about 3-4 years old on a leash being treated like a pet. The photo was allegedly taken and uploaded by the boy’s mother. The post has angered thousands of netizens and prompted an official investigation by the National Bureau of Investigation. DSWD found and rescued the child on Tuesday, May 26. 

Read the full story on Rappler.

Editor’s note: We previously used a background file photo of a Reception and Study Center for Children in Zamboanga, which had nothing to do with the story. We apologize for the error and have made the necessary correction. 


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