New Zealand makes cyberbullying a crime

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New Zealand makes cyberbullying a crime

New Zealand passed a law that classifies cyberbullying as a crime.

The Harmful Digital Communications Law includes provisions against causing “serious emotional distress” online or via messaging services or social networks. Considered illegal are racist or sexist remarks, speaking ill of another’s sexual orientation or disabilities, or showing religious intolerance. A person found guilty can be put in jail for two years or fined up to $50,000 (US$33,000). Companies may be fined up to $200,000 (US$134,000). Inciting someone to commit suicide, even if the person does not do so, is punishable with up to 3 years in jail. Publishers like Facebook and Twitter will be able to sign “safe harbor deals” as long as they promise to delete allegedly offending messages within 48 hours of discovery.

Read more on New Zealand’s anti-cyberbullying law.

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