
Justin Bieber performs, plays in Tacloban

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#GIVEBACKPHILIPPINES. 'Most touching trip of my life,' says Bieber. Photo from his Instagram (@justinbieber)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to and played basketball with young survivors of the Philippines’ deadliest typhoon Tuesday, December 10, after he flew into the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort. Bieber flew unannounced to the central city of Tacloban just over a month after it was devastated by Super Typhoon Haiyan and sang Christmas carols to children at City Central School in Tacloban amid tight security, witnesses said. “Justin brought a lot of joy, hope and cheer to the hundreds of children who were there,” said Kate Donovan of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The money that would be raised would give child survivors access to education, vaccinations, clean water and sanitation, she said. Bieber tweeted about his performance describing it as the last and “most important” show of his Believe World Tour.

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