Malacañang on Calida, Land Management Bureau fire, Sung Kim on U.S.-North Korea summit | Evening wRap

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Malacañang on Calida, Land Management Bureau fire, Sung Kim on U.S.-North Korea summit | Evening wRap
Watch Rappler's evening newscast with Gelo Gonzales

Today on Rappler:

Malacañang sees no conflict of interest in the P150 million worth of government contracts awarded to the security firm owned by Solicitor General Jose Calida’s family. Tons of important documents and some P100 million worth of equipment are destroyed after a fire hit the main office of the Land Management Bureau past midnight Monday. House Majority Leader Rodolfo Fariñas  says Congress leaders will ask President Rodrigo Duterte himself to resolve the contentious provisions in the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law. Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III says a total of 3,377 companies were found to be involved in labor-only contracting practices. United States Ambassador to the Philippines Sung Kim is leading preparations for a meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.

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