North Korea

North Korea fires suspected ballistic missile, South Korea and Japan say


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North Korea fires suspected ballistic missile, South Korea and Japan say

NORTH KOREA. In this file photo, the North Korean flag flutters at the North Korea consular office in Dandong, Liaoning province, China April 20, 2021.


The launch comes after warnings from officials in Seoul and Tokyo that nuclear-armed North Korea was preparing to test-fire a missile

North Korea fired an unidentified type of ballistic missile on Sunday, December 17, Japan’s Coast Guard and the South Korean military said.

The missile was launched toward the sea off North Korea’s east coast, according to the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff.

No further details were immediately reported.

The launch came after warnings from officials in Seoul and Tokyo that nuclear-armed North Korea was preparing to test-fire a missile, including one of its longest-range an intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) this month.

All of North Korea’s ballistic missile activities are banned by United Nations Security Council resolutions, though Pyongyang defends them as its sovereign right to self defense. –

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