South Korea

Tsunami reaches South Korea’s east coast after massive Japan quake


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Tsunami reaches South Korea’s east coast after massive Japan quake
(1st UPDATE) The first tsunami reaches South Korea's east coast in the wake of a massive earthquake that hit Japan

SEOUL, South Korea– The first tsunami reached South Korea’s east coast at 09:21 GMT at a height of 45 centimeters (1.5 feet) in the wake of a massive earthquake that hit Japan on Monday, January 1, South Korea’s meteorological agency said.

The tsunami can grow after the initial waves and may continue for more than 24 hours, the agency said in an advisory.

South Korea’s Gangwon province warned residents to take precautions and evacuate to higher ground, according to the Ministry of Interior and Safety.

South Korea’s meteorological agency earlier said sea levels in some parts of the Gangwon province on the east coast may rise after an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.6 hit north central Japan and it issued an advisory for caution.

It said tsunami waves of up to 0.3 meters could reach South Korea’s eastern shore between 09:29 GMT and 10:17 GMT.

Gangwon province told residents in emergency text messages to stay away from the coast and evacuate to higher ground. The city of Samcheok advised residents to move to areas higher than a three-storey building, the Ministry of Interior and Safety said. –

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