
Thai king commutes former PM Thaksin’s prison sentence to 1 year


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Thai king commutes former PM Thaksin’s prison sentence to 1 year

FILE PHOTO: Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who is expected to be arrested upon his return as he ends almost two decades of self-imposed exile, walks at Don Mueang airport in Bangkok, Thailand August 22, 2023.

REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha/File Photo

The royal gazette says, Thaksin Shinawatra 'was a prime minister, has done good for the country and people and is loyal to the monarchy'

BANGKOK, Thailand – Thailand’s king has commuted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s eight-year prison sentence to one year, the royal gazette said on Friday, September 1, a day after the billionaire submitted a request for pardon.

The former premier, 74, returned to Thailand last week in a dramatic homecoming after spending 15 years abroad in self-exile to avoid prison on charges of abuse of power and conflicts of interest during his time in power.

He arrived on a private jet and was transferred to prison to serve an eight-year sentence. On his first night, he was moved to a police hospital over chest pains and high blood pressure.

On Thursday he submitted a request for a royal pardon.

Thaksin “was a prime minister, has done good for the country and people and is loyal to the monarchy,” the royal gazette said on Friday.

“He respected the process, admitted his guilt, repented, accepted court verdicts. Right now he is old, has illness that need caring from medical professional,” it read. –

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