
Migrant shipwreck in southern Italy kills 58, including children


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Migrant shipwreck in southern Italy kills 58, including children

A view shows remains of a ship along the beach where bodies believed to be of refugees were found after a shipwreck, in Cutro, the eastern coast of Italy's Calabria region, Italy, February 26, 2023.

Giuseppe Pipita/Reuters

(3rd UPDATE) A provincial government official says 81 people survived, with 20 hospitalized including one person in intensive care

ROME, Italy – Fifty-eight people died, including some children, when a wooden sailing boat carrying migrants crashed against rocks on the southern Italian coast early on Sunday, February 26, authorities said.

The vessel had set sail from Turkey several days ago with migrants from Afghanistan, Iran and several other countries, and crashed in stormy weather near Steccato di Cutro, a seaside resort on the eastern coast of Calabria.

The provisional death toll stood at 58, Manuela Curra, a provincial government official, told Reuters. Eighty-one people survived, with 20 hospitalized including one person in intensive care, she said.

One survivor was arrested on migrant trafficking charges, the Guardia di Finanza customs police said.

Cutro’s mayor, Antonio Ceraso, said women and children were among the dead. Exact numbers for how many children had died were not yet available.

His voice cracking up, Ceraso told the SkyTG24 news channel that he had seen “a spectacle that you would never want to see in your life … a gruesome sight … that stays with you for all your life”.

Wreckage from the wooden gulet, a Turkish sailing boat, was strewn across a large stretch of coast.

Curra said the vessel left Izmir in eastern Turkey three or four days ago, adding that survivors had said some 140 to 150 were on board.

The survivors were mostly from Afghanistan, as well as a few from Pakistan and a couple from Somalia, she said, adding that identifying the nationalities of the dead was harder.

“Many of these migrants came from Afghanistan and Iran, fleeing conditions of great hardship”, Italian President Sergio Mattarella said.

Initial reports from ANSA and other Italian news agencies, spoke of 27 bodies washed up on the beach and more found in the water.

Ignazio Mangione, an Italian Red Cross official, told SkyTG24 that very few of the children believed to have been on the boat survived.

‘Illusory mirage’

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni expressed “deep sorrow” for the deadly incident, and vowed to stop irregular sea migration to prevent more deaths at sea.

Her right-wing government has taken a hard line on migration since it took power in October, mostly by restricting the activities of migrant rescue charities with tough new laws.

“It is a huge tragedy which shows the absolute need to act firmly against irregular migration channels,” Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said in a separate statement.

It was “essential” to stop sea crossings which, offering migrants the “illusory mirage of a better life” in Europe, enrich traffickers and “cause tragedies like today’s,” he added.

Pope Francis, a vocal advocate for migrants’ rights, said he was praying for everyone caught up in the shipwreck during his Sunday address to crowds in St. Peter’s Square.

Italy is one of the main landing points for migrants trying to enter Europe by sea. The so-called central Mediterranean route is known as one of the world’s most dangerous.

According to the International Organization for Migration’s Missing Migrants Project, 20,333 people have died or gone missing in the central Mediterranean since 2014. –

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