Mexico fuel explosion death toll rises to 107

Agence France-Presse

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Mexico fuel explosion death toll rises to 107


The disaster occurs as the government wages an effort to clamp down on fuel theft, which cost Mexico an estimated $3 billion in 2017

MEXICO CITY, Mexico – The death toll from a fiery pipeline explosion in central Mexico reached 107 Thursday, the government announced, with 40 people also injured in the blast last week.

Last Friday, the fuel-line in Hidalgo state was deliberately punctured, drawing hundreds of people looking to gather gasoline before it ignited.

The disaster occurred as the government wages a huge effort to clamp down on fuel theft, which cost Mexico an estimated $3 billion in 2017.

So-called “huachicol” – as the stolen fuel is known in Mexico – costs about half of market price. 

Mexico is regularly rocked by deadly explosions at illegal pipeline taps, a dangerous but lucrative business whose players include powerful drug cartels and corrupt Pemex insiders. – 

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