
Israel reports aerial attack on Eilat; Iraqi militia claims launch


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Israel reports aerial attack on Eilat; Iraqi militia claims launch

EILAT PORT. New imported cars are seen in a parking lot next to the Eilat port, Israel, June 12, 2018.

Amir Cohen/Reuters

The military's statement says a flying object launched from east of Israel had struck a building in Eilat

JERUSALEM – Israel’s Red Sea port city of Eilat came under an aerial attack on Monday, April 1, that caused no casualties, the military said, and an Iranian-backed armed group in Iraq issued a claim of responsibility.

The military’s statement said a flying object launched from east of Israel had struck a building in Eilat. It did not elaborate on the object or the provenance. Sirens went off in the city but there was no interception by air defenses, it said.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a militia, said in a statement that it had attacked a “vital objective” in Israel “using appropriate weapons”. It did not offer further details.

Eilat has come under repeated missile and drone attack from the Iranian-aligned Houthi movement in Yemen during Israel’s almost six-month-old war against Hamas in Gaza. In November, Israel said a group in Syria had launched a drone that hit the port city. –

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