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For real! ‘Authentic’ is Merriam-Webster’s 2023 Word of the Year

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For real! ‘Authentic’ is Merriam-Webster’s 2023 Word of the Year
The word has been the subject of numerous debates, especially given the rise of artificial intelligence

MANILA, Philippines – Merriam-Webster is being for real when it says that “authentic” is 2023’s Word of the Year!

On Monday, November 27 (Manila time), the American dictionary publisher shared a list of words that garnered the highest volume of searches this year.

“Authentic” has already recorded a significantly high number of searches in past years, but saw a sharp increase in 2023.

“‘Authentic’ saw a substantial increase in lookups in 2023, driven by stories and conversations about AI, celebrity culture, identity, and social media,” the dictionary wrote on X.

According to Merriam-Webster, the word is synonymous to “real” and “actual,” and goes by various meanings, such as “not false or imitation” and “true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character.”

While its definitions may seem clear-cut, the word “authentic” has been the subject of numerous debates, especially given the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). The word is usually linked to the concept of identity, but with the prevalence of AI, its true meaning has become difficult to settle on.

“With the rise of artificial intelligence – and its impact on deepfake videos, actors’ contracts, academic honesty, and a vast number of other topics – the line between ‘real’ and ‘fake’ has become increasingly blurred,” Merriam-Webster said.

As apps and social media influencers’ personas built on so-called “authenticity” take over, Merriam-Webster further explained that the genuineness of it all becomes a mere performance.

Fittingly joining “authentic” in the list of the top-searched words this year are “rizz,” “deepfake,” “implode,” “dystopian,” “EGOT,” “X,” and “indict.”

Merriam-Webster declared “gaslighting” 2022’s Word of the Year. –

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