
Aboitiz Foundation celebrates 35th birthday with more community love

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Aboitiz Foundation celebrates 35th birthday with more community love
The group supports its host communities with cleanups drives, upcycling efforts, and more

Aboitiz Foundation (AFI) celebrates its 35th anniversary by highlighting the importance of being a valued member of our host communities.

After all, kindness leads to more acts of kindness, creating a virtuous cycle of positive energy that makes communities stronger and more vibrant. There are many ways that AboitizPower (AP) and AFI can consistently collaborate to deliver worthwhile benefits.

The Aboitiz Group, for one, sped up the recovery and growth of MSMEs and cooperatives hit by COVID-19 by teaching them how to leverage digital tools and progressive business models. “Byaheng Digiskarte” was so successful it won the 2023 IABC Gold Quill Award of Merit.

Meanwhile, AP subsidiary Therma Visayas and AFI organized an underwater garbage cleanup. Volunteer “Scubasureros” provide marine environment protection and rid the shoreline and submerged coastal areas of Bato Marine Sanctuary of plastic waste, resulting in more fish within the vicinity.

In another partnership, AP and AFI upcycle plastic waste and coal plant ash byproducts into high-value eco-bricks and eco-pavers through the BRICK Hub project. Plastic waste is provided by host communities, traded for sacks of rice or school supplies.

Looking back, the Aboitiz Group even went beyond their commitment of planting 9 million trees by end-2020, planting over 11.7 million. The A-Park program remains ongoing to revive dying and degraded forests.

For 35 years, AFI has partnered with Aboitiz business units to not only better the lives of Filipinos but also help protect our environment. – Rappler.com


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