
Book on Asian Media and Information Centre history now out

Ivy Pedida

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Book on Asian Media and Information Centre history now out
PRESS RELEASE: The book commemorates the golden jubilee of AMIC, the main association of communication educators in Asia

AMIC@50: Turning Gold, A History of the Asian Media and Information Centre, has just come out in December 2022. This 272-page book commemorates the golden jubilee of AMIC, the main association of communication educators in Asia, founded by 13 communication educators in a unique travelling seminar to 11 cities in Asia in September 1971.

The book narrates the founding and development of AMIC by the first secretary-general Lakshman Rao and the contribution of succeeding SG’s—P.R. Sinha, Vijay Menon. Jose Ma. G. Carlos, Indrajit Banerjee, Sundeep R. Muppidi, Maria Mercedes F. Robles, Martin Hadlow, and Ramon R. Tuazon. American scholar John Lent has contributed an epilogue.

It is edited by Crispin C. Maslog, current AMIC chair of the board, who is one of two surviving members of the travelling seminar. The book is informative and loaded with historical facts, but is easy to read and illustrated with pictures.

It is available at Shopee and at the AMIC office at Philippine Women’s University, Taft Ave., Manila for P550. –

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Ivy Pedida

Ivy Pedida is a digital communications specialist for Rappler’s Digital Communications arm. A shameless bandwagoner, she likes everything pop culture, whether it be the latest anime or another HBO hit. She is a furmom to five cats and one dog.