De La Salle University

DLSU to offer full tuition and fees with monthly stipends for full-time PhD students

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DLSU to offer full tuition and fees with monthly stipends for full-time PhD students
PRESS RELEASE: The main feature of this scholarship waives full tuition and miscellaneous fees and will include monthly stipend of P35,000 for four academic years

This a press release from De La Salle University.

De La Salle University will offer full tuition and fees with monthly stipends for full-time students of DLSU in any PhD academic program through the Saint Miguel Febres Cordero PhD Scholarship Program.

The main feature of this scholarship waives full tuition and miscellaneous fees and will include monthly stipend of P35,000 for four academic years.

Fifteen scholarship slots will open to students of any DLSU PhD program, including straight or MA-PhD programs.

These scholarships will be available through a competitive selection process that is not needs-based. This means that applicants under any financial category are qualified to apply for this scholarship.

Admission to any DLSU PhD program is the primary requirement. An endorsement from a faculty member of the applicant’s desired department will be an advantage.

There is no service requirement after graduation. No penalties will be imposed if an applicant fails to complete the program within the recommended four academic years. However, the stipends and
tuition waiver will cease after four academic years.

Browse DLSU PhD programs here: For inquiries, please email: –

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