University of the Philippines

4 UP College of Mass Communication alumni to receive 2022 Glory Awards

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4 UP College of Mass Communication alumni to receive 2022 Glory Awards
PRESS RELEASE: Riding the resurgence of face-to-face events, the annual Glory Awards and UPCMCAA alumni homecoming will finally return to campus after three years on November 19

This is a press release from the UP College of Mass Communication Alumni Association.

Four outstanding alumni of the University of the Philippines College of Mass Communication (UP CMC) will receive the 2022 Glory Awards.

This year’s awardees, voted by a jury of peers, are Christian Broadcasting Network-Asia head of production and programming Katherine “Kata” Inocencio (Broadcast and TV Arts); independent documentary filmmaker Jewel Maranan (Film); development communicator Marcia “Chuki” Feria-Miranda (Allied Disciplines); and former ABS-CBN head of newsgathering and online operations Charie Villa (Journalism).

Riding the resurgence of face-to-face events, the annual Glory Awards and UPCMCAA alumni homecoming will finally return to campus after three years on Saturday, November 19, at the University Hotel in Diliman, Quezon City.

The Glory Awards have been bestowed annually since 2017 to honor the excellence and impact of alumni from various mass communication disciplines. It was inspired by the legacy of Dr. Gloria Feliciano, the founding dean of UP’s mass communication programs who served from 1965 to 1985.

The Glory trophy, sculpted by UP professor emeritus and former chancellor Grace Javier Alfonso, will be presented to the winners.

This year’s panel of jurors was composed of former Glory awardees and respected practitioners including creative director Dolores Cheng, former deputy press secretary Danilo Gozo, free press and journalists’ rights advocate Rowena Carranza-Paraan, TV entertainment executive Lilybeth Rasonable, film producers Linggit Tan and Ronald Arguelles, TV host and film critic Butch Francisco, filmmaker Jeffrey Jeturian, journalist and UPCMC journalism department chair Kara David, and The SUN-Hong Kong editor and migrant rights lawyer Daisy Mandap.

The two permanent jurors are UP-CMC Dean Fernando dlC. Paragas and former ANC and CNN Philippines news director Jing Magsaysay, who represents the family of Dr. Feliciano.

Elections will also be held at 5 pm to select 15 alumni board members who will serve for a three-year term until 2025.

Ice Seguerra and acoustic duo Dindo & Ryan lead the special guest performers for the event. The duo will accompany alumni talents in sing-alongs throughout the night.

Registration opens at 4 pm. Tickets are P1,000 per head, inclusive of dinner and the annual alumni membership fee.

Alumni may reserve seats in advance through GCash: +63 977 087 4437 (subscriber name: Katrina Mae Ramos, executive assistant of UPCMCAA), Maya: QRPH-072226, or PNB Bank Account: 1086-70009544 (U.P. College of Mass Communication Alumni Association). –

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