Red alert raised in Luzon grid for 4th straight day

Ralf Rivas

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Red alert raised in Luzon grid for 4th straight day
The Luzon grid is still struggling to keep up with energy demand amid the summer heat

MANILA, Philippines – Rotational brownouts are likely to occur in Luzon, as the red and yellow alerts were raised over the Luzon grid for the 4th consecutive day.

The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) said on Thursday, April 25, that the yellow alert will be effective between 8 am and 10 am, 5 pm and 6 pm, and 9 pm and 11 pm.

Meanwhile, the red alert status will be raised from 10 am to 5 pm and from 6 pm to 9 pm.

Brownouts are very likely to occur during the hours when red alert is raised.

The NGCP said the Luzon grid’s available capacity is at 10,707 megawatts (MW), while peak demand is expected to hit 10,534 MW.

The alerts come in the wake of the magnitude 6.1 earthquake that hit Luzon last Monday, April 22, causing some power plants to malfunction. The El Niño phenomenon is also affecting both consumption and energy supply. –

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Ralf Rivas

A sociologist by heart, a journalist by profession. Ralf is Rappler's business reporter, covering macroeconomy, government finance, companies, and agriculture.