job fairs in the Philippines

DOLE: No on-site job fair, all online on Labor Day 2021

Aika Rey

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There are over 52,000 job listings from local and overseas-based employers

Government-led job fairs for Labor Day on Saturday, May 1, will be hosted online, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) said on Friday, April 30.

“I’m sorry for those who don’t have access to the internet. I think they really have to find ways to access especially those in urban places,” said DOLE Director Rolly Francia in a mix of English and Filipino.

“We were not advised that in any of the regions, there will be a face-to-face job fair. We’re sorry,” he added.

In a statement, DOLE said the job fair will be conducted virtually “in adherence to restrictions on mass gatherings.”

As of Friday, Francia said there were over 52,000 job listings from 613 local employers and 52 overseas-based hirers.

Interested applicants may apply through the following links:

DOLE partnered with JobStreet, JobQuest, Workbank, Vantagehunt, Mynimo, Hotjobs, Zoom, and the network of Public Employment Service Offices for the effort.

Jobstreet has also separate microsites for provinces of Iloilo, Cebu, and Davao. Job seekers may pre-register here. –

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Aika Rey

Aika Rey is a business reporter for Rappler. She covered the Senate of the Philippines before fully diving into numbers and companies. Got tips? Find her on Twitter at @reyaika or shoot her an email at