Philippine labor

Great resignation ‘in full swing’ as Filipinos find better work online

Ralf Rivas

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Great resignation ‘in full swing’ as Filipinos find better work online


With the hybrid work era creating new opportunities and easier ways to find greener pastures, companies should brace for more turnover waves, according to a report by Sprout Solutions

MANILA, Philippines – More Filipinos are quitting their jobs as they find it easier to get better opportunities because of hybrid work arrangements, a report by human resource (HR) solutions company Sprout Solutions said.

Sprout’s 2022 State of HR Report found that 62% of HR professionals observed an upward trend in company resignations amid the pandemic. 

“With the hybrid work era creating new opportunities and easier ways to find greener pastures, HR leaders should brace themselves for more turnover waves,” the report said.

For employees who stayed, 75% did so because of salary considerations.

To stay in their workplace, employees are looking for three key things: compensation (75%), benefits (73%), and career growth or opportunities (70%)

The report also found that employees want a company that offers a reasonable compensation and benefits package. 

“An attractive benefits package also improves employee retention: 97.66% agree that employee benefits have a direct impact on employee retention; 84.58% agree that employee benefits reduce attrition, and 74% completely agree that offering benefits make employees happier,” it said.

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Challenges of hybrid work

While surveyed HR professionals said that 65% of employees prefer hybrid work, it affected other areas of work, particularly employee engagement (76%), recruitment (45%), and learning development (44%).

To adapt to the so-called new normal, HR professionals implemented automated systems and improved benefits to retain talent. (READ: Is quitting contagious? Depends on who else leaves and who’s in charge)

Some of these include automated HR systems, mental and physical health resources, as well as company-wide allowances for transportation, electricity, and internet.

“2022 is shaping up to be the year hybrid work becomes the rule rather than the exception, and tech has a huge role to play. If there’s anything to take away from this paper, it’s that there’s a mutual understanding between what HR professionals need and the benefits HR tech adoption can bring,” said Patrick Gentry, chief executive officer and co-founder of Sprout. –

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Ralf Rivas

A sociologist by heart, a journalist by profession. Ralf is Rappler's business reporter, covering macroeconomy, government finance, companies, and agriculture.