
LRWC launches online bingo game

Ralf Rivas

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LRWC launches online bingo game
Leisure and Resorts World Corporation sees online bingo becoming a main revenue stream in the future, as the pandemic limits people from going to traditional gaming establishments

MANILA, Philippines – Leisure and Resorts World Corporation (LRWC) launched the country’s first online bingo game, as the pandemic limits leisure activities and the government looks for additional income sources.

The publicly listed gaming company recently secured an online bingo license, the first of its kind, from the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation.

Through its subsidiary AB Leisure Exponent, LRWC launched BingoPlus, which can be accessed via streaming or on-site.

“One of the company’s major strategies is to strengthen online platforms to provide more and better playing opportunities to customers during the pandemic and beyond,” said newly appointed LRWC president Andy Tsui.

For on-site gaming, BingoPlus can be accessed at 18 Bingo Bonanza Traditional Bingo Halls in Metro Manila and provincial areas.

LRWC said it is looking into the possibility of expanding BingoPlus to other on-site branches of its current brands, which include Bingo Bonanza, Bingo Boutique, and Gamezone. It plans to make it accessible online 24/7. 

The company added that online bingo “is expected to be one of the main revenue streams for the company in the future.” –

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Ralf Rivas

A sociologist by heart, a journalist by profession. Ralf is Rappler's business reporter, covering macroeconomy, government finance, companies, and agriculture.