Marcos Jr. administration

Robinsons Land CEO Frederick Go is Marcos economic and investments adviser

Ralf Rivas

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Robinsons Land CEO Frederick Go is Marcos economic and investments adviser

NEW ASSIGNMENT. Presidential Adviser on Investment and Economic Affairs Frederick D. Go

Go joins the government as President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. tours the world and invites business leaders to invest in key sectors

MANILA, Philippines— Robinsons Land president and chief executive officer Frederick Go was appointed as Presidential Adviser on Investment and Economic Affairs, Malacañang announced on Friday evening, January 20.

The Palace said Go will be joined and assisted by Rafael Consing Jr., former chief financial officer of Razon-led International Container Terminal Services Inc., who earlier accepted a post in the said economic office.

Prior to the appointment, Go also held various posts, including president of Altus Property Ventures and Robinsons Recreation Corporation and vice chairman of Robinsons Bank. He also served as president and CEO of RL Commercial REIT and chairperson of Luzon International Premier Airport Development. 

He also served as a director of Cebu Air, Inc., Manila Electric Company, JG Summit Petrochemical Corporation, JG Summit Olefins Corporation, and Cebu Light Industrial Park. 

Go has a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Engineering from the Ateneo de Manila University.

Go joins the government at a time when Marcos is enticing foreign tycoons to invest in critical sectors, including energy and infrastructure.  –

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Ralf Rivas

A sociologist by heart, a journalist by profession. Ralf is Rappler's business reporter, covering macroeconomy, government finance, companies, and agriculture.