water service interruptions

SCHEDULE: Maynilad water service interruptions starting July 12

Ralf Rivas

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SCHEDULE: Maynilad water service interruptions starting July 12

WATER. A resident checks a water meter at a community in Quezon City on November 18, 2022.


Here are the areas in Metro Manila facing Maynilad water service interruptions as the water level of the Angat Dam falls below its minimum operating level

MANILA, Philippines – Maynilad Water Services is set to implement scheduled service interruptions in parts of Metro Manila’s West Zone beginning on Wednesday, July 12.

The water service interruptions are a result of Maynilad receiving a lower allocation from the Angat Dam, as part of measures taken by the National Water Resources Board (NWRB) to conserve water due to El Niño.

The raw water allocation provided by the NWRB to the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System, the agency which determines allocation for water concessionaires, has been reduced to 48 cubic meters per second (CMS).

That allocation is lower than the 52 CMS given between April 16 and June 30, as well as the 50 CMS granted from July 1 to 7.

As of 6 am on Monday, July 10, the water level of the Angat Dam was at 179.23 meters, which is below the 180-meter minimum operating level.

Maynilad said the water service interruptions, set to affect certain barangays in Caloocan City, Malabon City, Valenzuela City, Navotas City, Quezon City, and the City of Manila, will be limited to nighttime hours of 7 pm to 4 am.

Check the schedule below.

– Rappler.com

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Ralf Rivas

A sociologist by heart, a journalist by profession. Ralf is Rappler's business reporter, covering macroeconomy, government finance, companies, and agriculture.