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Mariel Rodriguez apologizes over controversial ‘gluta’ photo in Senate, says it’s vitamin C

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Mariel Rodriguez apologizes over controversial ‘gluta’ photo in Senate, says it’s vitamin C

APPOINTMENT. In this now-deleted Instagram post, Filipino actress and host Mariel Rodriguez Padilla does an IV glutathione drip session inside the office of Senator Robin Padilla

Mariel Rodriguez's Instagram page

(1st UPDATE) The actress-host says it was never her intent to 'malign nor undermine the integrity and dignity of the Senate'

MANILA, Philippines – After drawing flak for getting IV therapy inside the office of her husband, Senator Robin Padilla, actress-host Mariel Rodriguez issued an apology to the public on Sunday, February 25, clarifying that she had received a vitamin C drip and not a glutathione drip, as earlier reported. 

In a now-deleted Instagram post, Rodriguez shared photos of her receiving a drip session at the Senate with the caption: “I had an appointment…but I was going to be late. So I had it done in my husband’s office.”

The post quickly earned the ire of the public, with Filipino netizens saying that it was “disrespectful” of Rodriguez to have her drip session inside the Senate. Senator Nancy Binay also released a statement asking the Senate to look deeper into the issue as “it involves issues of conduct, integrity, and reputation of the institution; and matters that concern health and safety.” 

Medical professionals also raised their concern over Rodriguez’s claims that the said treatment “helps in [so] many ways,” with the Department of Health (DOH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) even issuing advisories against the use of glutathione IV drips for skin whitening. 

In her statement, Rodriguez clarified that she received her drip – of vitamin C, not glutathione – under the medical supervision of a professional nurse. She explained that “despite [her] busy schedule,” she went to the Senate to show support for her husband Padilla, who co-authored the Eddie Garcia bill. 

“Having mentioned this, my intent was just to inspire others that even amidst various activities or whether they are, they can still prioritize their health by taking vitamins,” she said. 

Rodriguez added that it was never her “intention to malign nor undermine the integrity and dignity of the Senate.”

“I want to extend my sincerest apologies to all concerned, including the members and staff of the Senate and the public. We uphold the Senate’s dignity and integrity,” she finished her post. 

Prior to Rodriguez’ statement, Padilla already came to the defense of her wife, saying that she “loves to promote good looks and good health.”

Robinhood says sorry, too

On Monday, Padilla also apologized to the Senate over the incident in letters to Senate officials, Dr. Renato Sison of the medical and dental unit, and Sergeant-at-Arms Lt. Gen. Robreto Ancan, saying that it was never Mariel’s intention to disrespect the institution.

“Nais ko pong bigyan ng diin na wala pong intensyon ang aking maybahay na ipagwalang-bahala ang mga umiiral na patakaran ng Medical Bureau,” Padilla wrote in his letter. 

(I want to emphasize that it was never my wife’s intention to disregard the policies of the medical bureau.)

Senator Nancy Binay, who chairs the upper chamber’s ethics and privileges committee, last week raised alarm over the incident. She said the showbiz personality and her clinic did not notify the Senate that she planned on conducting the IV drip session inside the government building.

Binay also noted that it was done “without the proper medical advice from a licensed health professional.”

Padilla then assured the public that this kind of incident won’t happen again.

In 2023, the actor turned politician also made headlines for combing his mustache while in Senate hearings, prompting former senator Franklin Drilon to criticize the “lack of decorum” in the upper chamber. –  reports from Ysa Abad and Bonz Magsambol/

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