6 tips for achieving summer-ready skin


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6 tips for achieving summer-ready skin
Get healthy, glowing skin before heading out for adventures under the sun

MANILA, Philippines – As the weather slowly slips from cool nights into sweltering summer days, it’s getting even more tempting to hit the beach, work on our tans, and enjoy the sun. But before we lay those towels over beach chairs or start inflating those fun pool floats, there are a few things to cross off our to-do lists before, during, and after we expose our skin to the sun.


Scrub off old, dead skin cells to reveal brighter skin by exfoliating once or twice a week. Exfoliating also prevents ingrown hairs from all the waxing and shaving you might be doing this summer. The key is not to overdo it – you don’t want to end up hurting yourself from too rough an exfoliator or do it so often that you’re stripping away natural oils and not giving your skin enough time to heal. Opt for a loofah, a sponge, exfoliating gloves, or even a washcloth to exfoliate your body, and a scrub (like Skinfood’s famous Black Sugar Mask Wash Off) for your face.

Hair removal

In an age where women are reclaiming their bodies, it’s entirely up to you whether or not you want to leave your legs, underarms, or bikini line au naturel. But if you do choose to get rid of your body hair, know that you have numerous choices.

Shaving is quick and painless, but waxing will give you longer-lasting results. Sugaring, which is similar to waxing but instead uses sugar suspended in a gel or paste, is another option and is reportedly less painful than waxing. Depilatory creams dissolve hair and are available in drugstores and supermarkets. For more permanent, though more costly, hair removal, laser hair-removal is also an option.


Moisturizing is a must for all skin types, regardless of whether it’s summertime or winter. Kiehl’s and Clinique produce excellent moisturizers with a cult-like following, while Physiogel or Avene are great drugstore finds. Choose whichever one suits your skin type and lifestyle.

Slather on the SPF

Regardless of whether or not you want to achieve a summer tan, sunscreen is a must! Not only does it prevent sunburn, but it also prevents sun damage –which results in dry, wrinkled, discolored, and leathery skin, according to Cleveland Clinic – and skin cancer.

Stay hydrated

No matter how much work you put in on the outside, your body will look and feel better if you treat the inside well, too. Aside from maintaining a healthy diet, drinking an average of 8 8-ounce glasses of water everyday can help with ridding your body of toxins and keeping your skin feeling less dry, tight, or flaky. Don’t believe us? Take it from Kris Aquino, who says she drinks 5 liters of water a day.

Take supplements

Sometimes, no matter how well we eat and how well take care of our skin, our bodies need a little extra boost. Aside from vitamis A, D, C, and E – each of which help fight acne, minimize dark spots, create collagen, and promotes cell turnover – look into fish oil, which is full of amino-3 fatty acids, or zinc, which reduces inflammation. As with anything to do with nutrition though, do consult with a doctor before you take any supplements.

What do you do to get your skin summer-ready? Share your best tips and tricks in the comments below! – Rappler.com

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