Filipino inventions

The best #Tweetanaga entries for the 1st week of April 2018

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The best #Tweetanaga entries for the 1st week of April 2018
Submit your own tweet-friendly poem and you may be part of next week's top picks

MANILA, Philippines – Are you a poet and don’t even know it? 

To celebrate this year’s Buwan ng Panitikan (National Literature Month), Rappler once again challenges our readers to tweet their very own tanaga – an indigenous Filipino poem featuring 4 lines with 7 syllables each. 

This year, we’ll be featuring the best tweetanaga entries for each week of April! Did your poem make it to our top picks this week? Check them out:

With 3 more weeks to go, you have plenty of time to submit as many tweetanagas as you like! Here are the instructions:


Best of luck and get down to writing, Rappler readers! – 

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