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Art Fair Philippines announces 2024 dates

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Art Fair Philippines announces 2024 dates

Art Fair Philippines' Facebook page

Art enthusiasts can attend the 2024 edition of Art Fair Philippines from February 16 to 18 at The Link at Ayala Center, Makati City

MANILA, Philippines – Heads up, art enthusiasts! Art Fair Philippines announced on December 1 that its 2024 edition will be happening February 16 to 18, from 10 am to 9 pm at The Link at Ayala Center, Makati City.

As of writing, Art Fair Philippines also announced 12 of the exhibitors the public can catch during the event proper, such as Taiwan’s Nunu Fine Art, Japan’s GALLERY SCENA by SHUKADO, Art Lounge Manila, and Kaida Contemporary, among others.

Art Fair Philippines 2023 was also held at its home venue at The Link at Ayala Center in Makati after taking place at the Ayala Triangle Gardens in 2022.

The 2024 edition of Art Fair Philippines will only be its third in-person exhibition since 2020.

The annual art event serves as a platform for Filipinos to exhibit, sell, and view modern and contemporary visual art in the Philippines. Since its inception in 2013, Art Fair Philippines has operated to achieve the goal of making art accessible to everyone. –

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