ice cream flavors

Pie-nally, Peach Mango Crunch ice cream exists from this local brand

Steph Arnaldo

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Pie-nally, Peach Mango Crunch ice cream exists from this local brand

Merry Moo's Instagram

No more burning your mouth again! This refreshing peach-mango ice cream also has caramelized otap chunks mixed in.

MANILA, Philippines – “Every Juan’s beloved pie churned into ice cream so you won’t end up burning your mouth again.”

Facts! That’s why artisanal ice cream brand Merry Moo came out with its newest, Pinoy-centric flavor: the Peach Mango Crunch.

Merry Moo uses fresh local dairy and local mango to make the refreshing and sweet mango ice cream base. Sweet peaches are mixed into it, although the peach flavor isn’t as pronounced – the mango is what stands out the most in terms of taste. The fruits also lend a slight tartness to the sweetness.

For added texture, there are chunks of crispy caramelized otap (Cebu’s famous puff pastry cookie) on top and mixed into the creamy base. I just wish there were more of them incorporated, because they were addictive to find and crunch on! They also added a burnt sugar taste to the fruity and light ice cream.

Merry Moo’s Peach Mango Crunch is available in 100ml cup (P155), pint (P449), half gallon (P1,650), and whole gallon (P2,900). Customers can order this in stores or via delivery through the website. Same-day delivery is from 9:30 am to 5 pm daily. –

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Steph Arnaldo

If she’s not writing about food, she’s probably thinking about it. From advertising copywriter to freelance feature writer, Steph Arnaldo finally turned her part-time passion into a full-time career. She’s written about food, lifestyle, and wellness for Rappler since 2018.