Philippine tourism

7 in 10 Filipinos eager to travel abroad in the next 12 months – report

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7 in 10 Filipinos eager to travel abroad in the next 12 months – report

CONGESTED AIRPORT. Passengers queue at the immigration area of NAIA Terminal 1 on June 16, 2023.

Jire Carreon/Rappler

The travel bug seems to be spreading quickly among Filipinos!

MANILA, Philippines – Seven in 10 Filipinos are suiting up for leisurely overseas travel at least once in the next 12 months, a recent study by superapp Grab’s advertising arm GrabAds showed. 

GrabAds’ SEA Travel Insights 2023 report gathered nearly 2,000 Filipino respondents, 82% of whom plan to make more than two trips abroad. 

Some countries appeared to draw attention a little more than the rest. Thailand came in first place among Filipinos’ preferred travel destinations in the Southeast Asian region, followed by Singapore in second place, and Malaysia and Vietnam in joint-third place. 

Filipino do not need to apply for visas to enter these countries because, like the Philippines, they are members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This protocol is part of the courtesies ASEAN nations extend to each other.

Meanwhile, Japan and South Korea also proved to be popular among Filipinos, as the two East Asian nations took the top two spots, respectively, for international travel destinations outside Southeast Asia. The US trailed at third place. 

GrabAds also noted some of Filipinos’ key habits, values, and behaviors when it comes to traveling abroad. 

The study said 66% of the respondents prefer traveling with their families and relatives, while 47% of the respondents plan to travel with their spouses. A mere 38% preferred to go overseas with their close friends. 

The study also showed that 59% of the respondents said that they planned at least one to three months ahead of time for overseas trips with travel times of three hours or less. Typical planning involves outlining an itinerary, searching for accommodations, applying for visas, and preparing for other travel needs

Budgets are also among Filipinos’ priorities for planning international trips. Despite this surge in traveling, 54% of GrabAds’ Filipino respondents place value in setting budgets and strictly following them throughout their trips overseas. –

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