Duterte administration

Pay for Iggy’s funeral, UK court tells Aleli

Paterno R. Esmaquel II

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'We will certainly not obey any UK court,' the legal wife's lawyer says

MANILA, Philippines – A London court has ruled that the legal wife of the late Negros Occidental Rep Ignacio “Iggy” Arroyo should pay for the solon’s funeral costs after granting custody over Arroyo’s remains to his common-law wife.

But the lawyer of Arroyo’s legal wife, Aleli, said their camp would not heed the order of the court in the United Kingdom (UK).

“We will certainly not obey any UK court… This will set a bad precedent for all of us here in the Philippines, who still respect the Philippines and Philippine law,” said lawyer Lorna Kapunan in an ANC interview aired Wednesday, February 22.

In an earlier interview with Rappler, Kapunan questioned the UK court’s jurisdiction, saying Philippine law should always prevail when it comes to Filipinos. 

“It’s a principle of law that you are covered by the laws of your citizenship… You do not cease to be Filipino. Philippine law follows you wherever you go,” the lawyer explained, saying Alicia has therefore refused to testify before in UK.

Coming home

Meanwhile, Arroyo’s remains will finally return to the Philippines on a still uncertain date.

The camps of Alicia and Ibuna have also reached an amicable settlement on Arroyo’s funeral. In an interview on GMA-7, Alicia said it is “clear” that Arroyo’s wake will be held in their conjugal home for a few days.

Ibuna’s lawyer, Leonard de Vera, also said both camps have agreed on “major points” concerning Arroyo’s funeral.

The arrival of Arroyo’s body, however, will determine the final arrangements for the wake, according to Alicia.

Nawala na ang lahat ng sakit kasi alam kong darating na siya,” she said. (The pains are gone because I know he is coming home.) – Rappler.com

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Paterno R. Esmaquel II

Paterno R. Esmaquel II is a senior multimedia reporter covering religion for Rappler. He also teaches journalism at the University of Santo Tomas. For story ideas or feedback, email pat.esmaquel@rappler.com.