House of Representatives

‘We are in exciting times, expect more fireworks,’ says ex-speaker Alvarez

Ferdinand Zuasola

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‘We are in exciting times, expect more fireworks,’ says ex-speaker Alvarez
Davao del Norte congressman Pantaleon Alvarez, who was deposed during his time as Speaker, says the same will not happen to incumbent Speaker of the House Martin Romualdez

DAVAO ORIENTAL, Philippines – Amid the demotion of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo from her post in the House of Representatives and the resignation of Vice President Sara Duterte from the LAKAS-CMD party, former speaker Pantaleon Alvarez said the Filipino people should closely watch the political bickerings in the capital as he expects “more fireworks” in the coming days.

“Talagang makiramdam din tayo dahil nasa exciting times tayo. Palagay ko, maraming mangyayari pa ring mga fireworks dyan. Syempre, hindi maiiwasan. (Let’s be watchful because we are in exciting times. I think more things will happen. More fireworks maybe. These cannot be avoided.),” Alvarez told Bombo Radyo Philippines on Tuesday, May 23.

Asked whether he thinks the ongoing House intramurals will lead to the ouster of Speaker Martin Romualdez, like what happened to him when then Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte succeeded in ousting him as Speaker, Alvarez, replied: “Sa totoo lang, hindi, hindi. Wala pong mangyayari. Talagang mananatili yung Speaker sa pwesto nya. (It will never happen to Speaker Romualdez. He will remain as Speaker of the House.)”

He said the reason is the closeness of Speaker Romualdez and his cousin President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

Alvarez, the representative of the 1st District of Davao del Norte, refused to speculate on why Vice President Sara Duterte left her political party LAKAS-CMD. “Sa ngayon, mahirap mag speculate, pero definitely cause and effect yan,” Alvarez said. (It’s hard to speculate, but definitely this a cause and effect.)

Duterte, in her resignation letter, said she “cannot be poisoned by political toxicity or undermined by execrable political powerplay.” –

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