
Reelectionist barangay chairman shot dead in Batangas

Tina Ganzon-Ozaeta

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Reelectionist barangay chairman shot dead in Batangas


The motive of the shooting has yet to be determined but police are looking at all angles including its possible link to the upcoming Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections

BATANGAS, Philippines – A barangay chairman was gunned down by motorcycle-riding gunmen in Taal town on Tuesday morning, September 5.

Taal police chief Major Fernando Fernando identified the victim as  Erasmo “Resty” Divino Hernandez, chairman of Barangay Poblacion Zone 10 in Taal, Batangas. 

Hernandez was seeking reelection and was up against a lone opponent.

Fernando said Hernandez was standing in front of the barangay hall when the suspects arrived and shot the victim around 7:20 am. 

The victim was rushed to the Lemery Doctors Medical Center but died while being treated at the emergency room.

Authorities pursued the suspects who fled towards the neighboring town of Sta. Teresita. 

The motive of the shooting has yet to be determined but police are looking at all angles including its possible connection to the upcoming Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections.  –

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