Land Transportation Office

LTO official killed in gun attack in Quezon City

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LTO official killed in gun attack in Quezon City
(1st UPDATE) 'The entire Land Transportation Office (LTO) family condemns in the strongest terms the killing of one of our own, Mercedita Gutierrez,' says LTO chief Assistant Secretary Vigor Mendoza II

MANILA, Philippines – Land Transportation Office official Mercedita Gutierrez was killed in a “gun attack” in Quezon City on Friday, May 24, the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) said on Saturday, May 25.

The QCPD said in a statement on Saturday that based on their initial investigation, Gutierrez, the Registration Section chief of the LTO Central Office, was shot by an unidentified motorcyle-riding man near the corner of K-H Street near Kamias Road, Barangay Pinyahan in Quezon City at 6:20 pm on Friday.

“The victim, who sustained wounds, was immediately brought to East Avenue Medical Center for treatment but was declared dead by the attending physician,” the QCPD said.

QCPD chief Brigadier General Redrico Maranan directed the creation of a Special Investigation Task Group, SITG “Gutierrez,” to investigate the case. It will be led by Colonel Amante Daro, QCPD Acting Deputy District Director for Operations.

“SITG ‘GUTIERREZ’ will take into account all relevant information to ascertain the reason behind the shooting,” QCPD said.

Transportation, Vehicle, Car
PUNCTURED WINDOW. Bullet holes in the window of the car of LTO official Mercedita Gutierrez on May 24, 2024. Photo courtesy of QCPD

“Our prayers and sympathy to the bereaved family of the victim. The QCPD  will not stop pursuing the suspect and we will make sure that justice will be served,” Maranan said.

LTO chief Assistant Secretary Vigor Mendoza II condoled with Gutierrez’s family and said that the LTO joins them “in seeking justice for this dastardly act.”

“The entire Land Transportation Office (LTO) family condemns in the strongest terms the killing of one of our own, Mercedita Gutierrez, in a gun attack in Quezon City on Friday, May 24,” Mendoza said in a statement.

“This is a cowardly act and we assure her family and the public of our untiring efforts to coordinate with the Philippine National Police and closely monitor the investigation of this incident to bring all the perpetrators of this crime behind bars,” he added.– With reports from Lance Yu and Jairo Bolledo/

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