Fact checks about countries

FACT CHECK: US strike group goes to South China Sea for routine training


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FACT CHECK: US strike group goes to South China Sea for routine training
The US Navy says that the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group is in the South China Sea as part of the Navy’s routine operations in the Indo-Pacific

Claim: The United States deploys a strike group in the South China Sea to fight China.

Rating: FALSE

Why we fact-checked this: The YouTube video containing the claim has over 1,000 views as of writing. 

A routine operation: According to the United States Navy website, the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group is in the South China Sea to conduct multiple trainings such as maritime strike training, anti-submarine operations, integrated multi-domain and joint training between surface and air elements, and flight operations with fixed and rotary wing aircraft. 

No reports of a fight: There are no reports from mainstream media sources that the US and China are engaged in a conflict in the South China Sea. – Lorenz Pasion/Rappler.com

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