Fact checks about countries

Video of ‘Japan Military Forces’ taken in 2015, not an attack vs North Korea

Lorenz Pasion, Rappler.com

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Video of ‘Japan Military Forces’ taken in 2015, not an attack vs North Korea
A reverse image search shows that the video clip of joint Japan-US military exercises was first posted by a YouTube channel on October 4, 2015

Claim: A video shows the first batch of “Japan Military Special Yamashita Forces” on the way to attack North Korea. 

Rating: FALSE

Why we fact-checked this: The YouTube video containing the claim has over 2,822 views as of writing.

Taken in 2015: A reverse image search shows that the video clip was first posted by YouTube channel 雅 on October 4, 2015.

According to Google Translate, the English translation of the title of the original video is “Ground Self-Defense Force Western Army 60th Anniversary Commemorative Event Parade.”

No reports of a Japanese attack: There have been no reports from the Japanese government and mainstream media that say Japan deployed ground forces to attack North Korea.

According to a Japan Times article published on November 18, 2022, Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force and the US military conducted joint exercises over the Sea of Japan as an immediate response to North Korea’s launching of missiles.

Japan is currently enhancing its ballistic missile defense (BMD) using weapons the country jointly developed with the United States, according to another Japan Times article published on November 24, 2022. – Lorenz Pasion/Rappler.com

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Lorenz Pasion


Lorenz Pasion

Lorenz Pasion is a researcher at Rappler and a member of its fact-check team that debunks false claims that spread on social media.