West Philippine Sea

Civilian group Atin Ito sails towards Panatag Shoal, as fleet of China ships await  

Bea Cupin

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Civilian group Atin Ito sails towards Panatag Shoal, as fleet of China ships await  

ATIN ITO. Civilian vessels join a mission to Panatag Shoal in the West Philippine Sea on May 15, 2024.

Atin Ito Coalition

Ahead of their journey, China was monitored to have deployed over 20 of its ships

MANILA, Philippines – A coalition of civic organizations, including political, youth, and farmer and fishing groups, pushed through with a civilian mission to Scarborough or Panatag Shoal in the West Philippine Sea on Wednesday, May 15.

Civilian group Atin Ito sails towards Panatag Shoal, as fleet of China ships await  

The group will sail towards the “general vicinity of Bajo de Masinloc,” a feature just over 120 nautical miles off the coast of Zambales province in mainland Luzon.

Five wooden-hulled commercial fishing ships, as well as 100 fishing boats, left Zambales in the early morning of May 15. The group first dropped “symbolic” buoys around 14 nautical miles from the Zambales coast, or just beyond the country’s 12-nautical-mile territorial sea area.

By the 16th, the convoy is expected to reach the general vicinity of the shoal, where they’ll be handing out supplies to fisherfolk in the area.

Ahead of their journey, China was monitored to have deployed over 20 of its ships – both from the China Coast Guard (CCG) and the Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM).

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What you need to know: Civilian mission to Panatag Shoal

What you need to know: Civilian mission to Panatag Shoal

Rafaela David, Akbayan Party president and co-convenor of the coalition, said in a statement that China was “running a very bad script” in sending a “fleet of military vessels” to guard the shoal “against a group of wooden fishing boats manned by Filipino civilians.”

Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM) President Edicio Dela Torre, David’s fellow co-convenor, said China’s “persistent aggression…only highlights its lack of legitimate claim.”

“This civilian supply mission is not just about delivering supplies, it’s about reaffirming our presence and rights in our own waters. The world is watching, and the narrative of rightful ownership and peaceful assertion is clearly on our side,” said Dela Torre.

But even as the group declared a narrative loss for Beijing, effective control of the shoal is still with China.

Civilian group Atin Ito sails towards Panatag Shoal, as fleet of China ships await  

China seized control of Panatag Shoal in 2012, after they apparently reneged on a United States-brokered deal. Manila and Beijing were supposed to exit the area simultaneously, then turn to diplomacy to solve the dispute.

China did not leave in 2012 and it has never left since.

Typically, between six to eight Chinese vessels are in and around the shoal at all times. At least two CCG ships are inside the shoal’s lagoon, while several CCG and CMM vessels constantly patrol its perimeter.

In late April, Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources ships were hit by the CCG’s water cannons during a humanitarian mission to bring fuel, food, and supplies to fisherfolk in the area of Panatag Shoal.

The Philippine ships were able to sail into the shoal’s territorial waters, even as they suffered damage from the water cannoning.

The PCG’s BRP Bagacay, one of the ships damaged by China’s water cannons, will be securing the Atin Ito convoy. Smaller PCG vessels – the 24-meter BRP Boracay and Panglao – will also be used to escort the convoy. – Rappler.com

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Bea Cupin

Bea is a senior multimedia reporter who covers national politics. She's been a journalist since 2011 and has written about Congress, the national police, and the Liberal Party for Rappler.