2022 PH local races

Pateros Mayor Ike Ponce on his way to win third term with landslide victory

Lorenz Pasion

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Pateros Mayor Ike Ponce on his way to win third term with landslide victory

Pateros Mayor Ike Ponce joins Aksyon Demokratiko's kick-off rally at the Kartilya ng Katipunan to show support to presidential bid of Manila Mayor Isko Moreno, on February 8, 2022. Rappler


The incumbent mayor is set to win his second re-election bid

MANILA, Philippines – Pateros Mayor Miguel “Ike” Ponce is set to win his third mayoralty race with a landslide victory.

Based on a partial and unofficial count of 100% of the election returns, Ponce is set to win the mayoral seat with 28,534 votes against independent candidate Marilyn Chiong who got 2,777 votes. 

Out of 31,311 of the total votes for the mayoralty seat of Pateros, Ponce got 91.13 % of the votes while Chiong got 8.87% votes.

Ponce first won the seat in 2016 then got re-elected in the 2019 midterms.

In contrast to Ponce’s landslide victory, Nacionalista Party bet Carlo Santos beat Ponce’s running mate John Peter Marzan with a slim margin in Pateros’ vice mayoralty race. Santos secured 16,856 votes while Marzan got 14,227 votes.

Consisting of 10 barangays, Metro Manila’s lone municipality has 39,273 registered voters for the 2022 elections.  – Rappler.com

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Lorenz Pasion


Lorenz Pasion

Lorenz Pasion is a researcher at Rappler and a member of its fact-check team that debunks false claims that spread on social media.