House of Representatives

House ousts Arroyo, Ungab as deputy speakers

Kaycee Valmonte

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House ousts Arroyo, Ungab as deputy speakers

LOWER HOUSE. The House of Representatives opens its second regular session on Monday morning, July 24, 2023.

Dwight de Leon/Rappler

House Majority Leader Manuel Jose Dalipe says Pampanga Representative Gloria Arroyo and Davao City 3rd District Representative Isidro Ungab 'chose not to sign a pivotal House resolution sponsored by the entire leadership'

MANILA, Philippines — The House of Representatives on Tuesday, November 7, ousted Pampanga Representative Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and Davao City 3rd District Representative Isidro Ungab as deputy speakers.

In a statement on Tuesday, House Majority Leader Manuel Jose Dalipe said the two were stripped of their deputy speaker titles after “careful deliberation” of lawmakers. 

“This decision stems from the fact that out of the nine Deputy Speakers, only Deputy Speakers Macapagal-Arroyo and Ungab chose not to sign a pivotal House resolution sponsored by the entire leadership,” Dalipe said. 

The lower chamber on Monday adopted House Resolution 1414 championing the institution’s integrity and pledging support for Speaker Martin Romualdez, following attacks by former president Rodrigo Duterte. 

In his tirades on live television early last month, Duterte resorted to attacking the lower chamber after it denied Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte’s requests for confidential funds.

Arroyo is an ally of the Dutertes while Ungab is among the staunch supporters of the Vice President in her quest to get spy funds in next year’s government budget. (READ: From GMA to Sara Duterte: The ties that bind)

Through House Resolution 1414, lawmakers also highlighted their support for Romualdez, who the former president had accused of corruption.

Arroyo – who was first demoted in the House in May – was not able to co-author House Resolution 1414. She said she was currently overseas.

“However, as I always said, I continue to support the leadership of Speakership Romualdez,” she said on Monday night.

While the chamber respects each lawmaker’s opinions and beliefs, Dalipe said it is important “to have leaders who fully support and uphold the collective decisions and directions set forth by the leadership.”

“By choosing not to sign the resolution, Deputy Speakers Macapagal-Arroyo and Ungab have demonstrated that their perspectives differ from the collective stance of the leadership,” he added. 

Arroyo has yet to issue a statement on the development as of posting time.

Meanwhile, Ungab said he understood the decision and vowed to continue supporting the new Marcos administration. 

“I have been in Congress long enough to understand the dynamics and interpersonal relations among its members,” Ungab said in a statement. –

1 comment

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  1. ET

    Here is the proof to whom the loyalty of former President GMA belongs. This holds with Rep. Ungab. Indeed, this is part of the “dynamics and interpersonal relations among its members.”

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Kaycee Valmonte

Kaycee Valmonte is a multimedia reporter who covers politics in the House of Representatives and public health.