Philippine arts

Filipino tattoo artist Whang-Od awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit

Dwight de Leon

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Filipino tattoo artist Whang-Od awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit

DISTINCTION. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. with Presidential Medal of Merit recipient Apo Whang-Od on February 14, 2024.

Presidential Communications Office

'She is a pioneer in shattering gender stereotypes, venturing into tattooing when it was just a man’s exclusive preserve,' President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. says of Apo Whang-Od

MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. conferred the Presidential Medal of Merit on 106-year-old Kalinga tattoo artist Apo Whang-Od on Wednesday, February 14.

Filipino tattoo artist Whang-Od awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit

“She is a pioneer in shattering gender stereotypes, venturing into tattooing when it was just a man’s exclusive preserve,” Marcos said. “She is a keeper of oral traditions and a mentor, teaching a new generation of artists, thus ensuring that her art form lives on to tell tales of her community’s history.”

“As Apo Whang-Od’s works appeal to diverse cultures and across political divides, she becomes an enabler for unity and an example of an idea that binds us all. She is truly a national treasure,” he added.

Whang-Od, who started tattooing at the age of 15, is known as the last living mambabatok, an artist who uses thorn and bamboo sticks to draw tribal design tattoos.

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The Presidential Medal of Merit, as per Executive Order No. 236, is given to the following:

  • individuals who delivered outstanding service to the President, the administration, or Cabinet members
  • individuals who gained prestige for the country in an international event, in the fields of literature, the sciences, the arts, entertainment, and other civilian fields of endeavor that foster national pride and artistic excellence
  • retiring cultural workers or artists, after serving the government in an official or advisory capacity
  • foreign artists who have promoted Philippine culture
  • individuals who provided acts of merit that enhance the prestige of the Philippines

Aside from Whang-Od, Wednesday’s ceremony in the Palace also celebrated government workers who received the Dangal ng Bayan, Presidential Lingkod Bayan, and CSC (Civil Service Commission) Pag-asa awards. –

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Dwight de Leon

Dwight de Leon is a multimedia reporter who covers President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the Malacañang, and the Commission on Elections for Rappler.