Cotabato City

2 wounded after thrown grenade explodes in Cotabato City chapel

Ferdinandh Cabrera

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2 wounded after thrown grenade explodes in Cotabato City chapel

Ferdinandh Cabrera

Cotabato City Police Colonel Queruben Manalang Jr says the suspects were riding-in-tandem, and a hot pursuit is being done as an investigation is conducted

COTABATO, Philippines – Two people are wounded after a grenade was thrown and went off during a service at the Sto. Nino Chapel in Rosary Heights 3 in Cotabato City at around 10:30 am on Sunday, May 19.

According to NDBC News, the grenade was thrown during a bible service called “Kasaulogan Sa Pulong.” No priest was present at that time.

In a phone interview, Cotabato City Police Colonel Queruben Manalang Jr. said the two victims were sent to a local clinic and to the Cotabato Regional and Medical Center for treatment.

“Based on our initial investigation, suspects were riding-in-tandem. Our SOCO team now is deployed in the area and we are tracing CCTV footages nearby,”Manalang said.

Manalang added a hot pursuit operation is being conducted. –

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