Seniang downgraded to low pressure area

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Seniang downgraded to low pressure area
PAGASA lifts all storm warning signals

MANILA, Philippines – Tropical depression Seniang (international name Jangmi) weakened into a low pressure area, the state weather bureau said Wednesday, December 31.  

In a weather bulletin issued 9:30 pm Wednesday, PAGASA said all public storm warning signals were lifted following the development. 

The center of the low pressure area was estimated to be located at 330 kilometeres south soutwest of Cuyo, Palawan or at 220 kilometers southeast of Puerto Princesa City (8.1°N, 119.9°E) as of 9:30 pm. 

Seniang killed at least 53 individuals at the height of its onslaught, according to figures from the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council. 

Pagasa warned that the low pressure area is still expected to bring moderate to occasionally heavy rains and thunderstorms over Southern Palawan.  

Fisherfolk and those with small seacraft are advised not to venture out over the seaboards of Luzon and Visayas. –

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