NBA Finals

Giannis proud of Middleton after clutch Game 4 performance

Martin Mendoza

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Giannis proud of Middleton after clutch Game 4 performance

BIG BUCKS. Giannis Antetokounmpo and Khris Middleton put it all out on the floor in Game 4.


‘We know he’s going to take big shots, and tonight he was incredible,’ says Bucks superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo of Khris Middleton

Following a thrilling victory over the Phoenix Suns, Milwaukee Bucks superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo applauded sweet-shooting guard Khris Middleton for coming up big late in Game 4 of the 2021 NBA Finals on Wednesday, July 14 (Thursday, July 15, Manila time).

“That’s what he does down the stretch. We want him to have the ball, we want him to be the decision maker,” said Antetokounmpo of Middleton, who exploded for 40 points in the Bucks’ 109-103 win.

“We know he’s going to take big shots, and tonight he was incredible,” he added.

Antetokounmpo couldn’t be happier for his longtime teammate Middleton as the latter took matters into his own hands and scored 10 consecutive points in the final two minutes of the game to help the Bucks equalize the series, and avoid a 3-1 deficit in the best-of-seven affair. 

Despite being the Bucks’ leading scorer, the two-time NBA MVP Antetokounmpo stressed how proud he is of Middleton, and how much he trusts him to make the winning plays for the Bucks in the critical moments of the game.

“I’m very proud. But as I said, it comes down to trust. I trust him,” said Antetokounmpo, who tallied 26 points, 14 rebounds, and 8 assists in the victory.

“You know, win or lose, I’m okay with [Middleton taking the shots]. Usually, when you’re going down the stretch in a game like this, whatever game you play, you want to take it upon yourself.”

“But it comes down to trust… what [Middleton] did tonight was incredible. We need him to keep doing it,” he continued.

As the Bucks head back to Phoenix for the pivotal Game 5 on Saturday, July 17 (Sunday, July 18, Manila time), Antetokounmpo hopes the Bucks could keep having fun inside the court and maintain the “good basketball” they’ve shown in Games 3 and 4.

“We are within reach of our goals. Hopefully, we keep enjoying the game and keep playing good basketball… and hopefully we can put ourselves in a position to win,” said Antetokounmpo. – 

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