Ultimate Fighting Championship

Former UFC fighter Elias Theodorou dies at 34 due to cancer


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Former UFC fighter Elias Theodorou dies at 34 due to cancer

GONE TOO SOON. Elias Theodorou fought in the UFC from 2014 to 2019.

UFC Twitter page

Elias Theodorou, who fought 11 times in the UFC, dies after battling stage 4 liver cancer

Former UFC fighter Elias Theodorou died at the age of 34, with media reporting the Canadian had been battling stage 4 liver cancer.

Theodorou, who died on Sunday, September 11, fought in 22 bouts in mixed martial arts, including 11 (8-3 record) in the UFC in the middleweight division.

He made his professional debut in 2011 and earned a UFC contract by winning The Ultimate Fighter in 2014.

Theodorou saw action in the UFC until 2019.

His last professional bout was a win over Bryan Baker in December 2021 in Colorado. – Rappler.com

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