
Like Twitter, Threads announces rate limiting to fight spam bots

Victor Barreiro Jr.

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Like Twitter, Threads announces rate limiting to fight spam bots
While rate limiting may prevent abuse by spammers, it also means the most active Threads users may see limits on their ability to view posts because of seeming app overuse

MANILA, Philippines – Much like Twitter did in recent weeks, Threads appears to be engaging in the battle against spam bots by introducing rate limits. The company has had to deal with spam problems since the rapid growth of Threads’ user base, which surged to over 100 million users within five days of launching.

Rate limiting is the act of enforcing a limit to the number of times an action can be done by a user – in this case viewing or scrolling through tweets or Threads posts.

Instagram head Adam Mosseri on Tuesday, July 18, said rate limiting was a potential thing they’d have to implement to fight spam.

In a post on Threads, he gave users the heads-up, saying, “Spam attacks have picked up so we’re going to have to get tighter on things like rate limits, which is going to mean more unintentionally limiting active people (false positives). If you get caught up those protections let us know.”

While this prevents abuse by spammers, it also means the most active Threads users may see limits on their ability to view posts because of seeming app overuse.

That said, Mosseri is advising legitimate Threads users who have reached rate limits to reach out to them so as to get get them back onto using Threads without issues. A simple solution to a complex problem, but one that’s available to the Meta juggernaut, at the very least. –

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Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr is part of Rappler's Central Desk. An avid patron of role-playing games and science fiction and fantasy shows, he also yearns to do good in the world, and hopes his work with Rappler helps to increase the good that's out there.