Rappler launches first crowdsourced vetting process for new admin


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Rappler launches first crowdsourced vetting process for new admin

Manman Dejeto

MovePH, the civic engagement arm of Rappler, is introducing the first crowdsourced vetting process in the country that gives you an opportunity to scrutinize the nominees to key government position by President-elect Rodrigo Duterte. Readers can send information such as the following:

        •       Does the nominee have the knowledge and experience for the job?
        •       Does the nominee have conflict of interest?
        •       Is the nominee facing or is linked to graft and corruption cases?
        •       What do you know about the nominee’s lifestyle?

If you have tips about the nominees you want us to pursue, email move.ph@rappler.com

On X, a free platform for Rappler’s community, you can also share other relevant information, stories, photos, and links to videos about the nominees.

Here is the running list of appointments made by the incoming Philippine president.

Find here the links to the individual vetting pages of the Duterte Cabinet nominees.

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