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El Niño ends, La Niña expected at later time

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El Niño ends, La Niña expected at later time

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center declared on Thursday, June 9, the 2015-2016 El Niño weather phenomenon over. The Center said El Niño, one of the most powerful on record, has dissipated and been replaced by El Niño Southern Oscillation-neutral conditions. Under such conditions, neither El Niño nor La Niña will be present. ENSO-neutral conditions, according to the Center, were indicated by expanded “near-to-below average surface temperatures across the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean.” Forecasters are predicting a weak or borderline moderate La Niña if ENSO-neutral conditions persist through the winter.

Read more about weather predictions for the rest of the year on Rappler.


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