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Fortune 500: Wal-Mart reclaims top spot

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Giant retailer Wal-Mart replaced energy titan ExxonMobil as the biggest revenue maker on the annual list of Fortune magazine 500 largest US companies. Exxon and Wal-Mart have traded the top two positions repeatedly in recent years. This year marks the 9th time Wal-Mart has topped the list. Wal-mart posted $469.2 billion in revenues, or $19.3 billion more than Exxon, which in turn posted profits of $44.9 billion, dwarfing the retailer’s $17.0 billion. The combined earnings of the Fortune 500 came in at $820 billion in 2012, slipping from the all-time high of US$824.5 billion in 2011.

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Walmart Los Angeles CA image via Shutterstock

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