Latin America

Rafting adventure ends in death

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Photo by Bobby Lagsa/ Rappler

A first-time visitor to Cagayan de Oro, 26-year-old Aiza Balbin, met an accident while white water rafting on Friday, June 13. The raft she was on, along with friends, capsized near a boulder, throwing passengers into the waters of the Cagayan de Oro River, just a kilometer away from the end of the route. While her friends were able to swim to safety, Balbin was not as fortunate. She went missing until Sunday morning when divers found her body among limestone rocks. Lifeless, she was still wearing her life vest. Balbin is the first fatality since Cagayan de Oro started commercial rafting operations in 1995.

Read the full story on Rappler.

The first story about the accident is also on Rappler.

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